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Discover and use your most powerful communication tool.

What are some of your favorite brands? and WHY?

What companies have marketing that makes you smile? What accounts do you follow on Social Media? Why do you consume their content? What, exactly, do you like about them? Maybe they are funny, or clever, or off-beat in just the right way. Maybe they regularly post images of puppies and things that make you feel good. Maybe they're the smartest person in the room when it comes to a topic that matters to you, or there's no one more honest or authentic, or their posts are always short and to the point and you like that they're not wasting your time.


Chances are good that you discovered those brands because they have content that is relevant to you. But market research says that's not why you stay with them. (I mean, if they annoyed the crap out of you, you'd walk and find someone else who does it better, right?) In fact, those things you like about your favorite brands aren't about content at all.


People follow and engage with content because they like the Brand Voice.

What IS Brand Voice?​

Brand Voice is the distinct personality a brand presents to the world in all of its communications. Your Brand Voice is the guide for who you talk to, what you say, and how you say it. And, critically, it must be unique and consistent across all platforms. It's one of the most significant factors in creating a stand-out brand that has real market impact. More important, even, than a logo.


If your brand were a person, the logo and visual identity would be their appearance (face, build, clothes, etc.). The brand voice would be their personality. Most brands pay attention to their appearance; successful brands also curate an intentional personality.

Your Voice IS your Brand

Coca-Cola doesn't sell sugar water; they sell freedom, community, and self-gratification. Nike isn't a shoe company; their product is grit, accomplishment, and pride. GEICO isn't about saving you money; they are about disarming you with quirky fun. Toyota keeps you safe; McDonald's makes things easy for your family; Apple is from the future. Starbucks' voice is cool and trend-setting; Oscar Meyer's voice is disconcertingly odd; and the ASPCA's voice is still Sarah McLachlan.


A Brand Voice will tap into the emotions, memories, values, priorities, and shared experiences of your perfect audience. It builds connection because it makes them feel like the brand is just like them. It quickly becomes the reason people turn to those particular product over and over again.

Identifying your perfect audience (target audience, ideal customer, etc.) is a major key in knowing your Brand Voice. Knowing who you're talking to is an important aspect of our VOX session and your Brand Voice Guidebook comes with unique customer personas for everyone on your team to get to know.

Why does Brand Voice matter?

More than anything else you can develop, it is your brand voice that will command attraction and build trust. And Attraction + Trust = Conversion (i.e. sales, for most).



Strong brands know who their audience is and they cultivate a Brand Voice that appeals to those people. Brands that try to be everything to everyone fail. But when you curate a defined voice, tone, and personality, the perfect audience—the one to whom that personality speaks—will flock to you. You don't need (or want) everyone; you need people who think of you as "theirs," as someone who "gets them." A well-defined Brand Voice will attract people.



Having a defined Brand Voice means that your messaging is consistent; no matter where or how your audience engages with your brand they are hearing the same messaging in the same tone. Not only is this repetition good for brand reinforcement and keeping you top of mind, it builds trust; people learn they can count on you to be a certain way, to provide them with something reliable. And people like to be loyal to brands they like, it rewards them with a sense of real relationship.

What is your Brand's Voice?

Well...what personality do you have (or want to have)? What is your mission and vision? Who is your perfect audience and what do they like? What kind of tone of voice do you want to use? You could be funny, encouraging, bold, gentle, warm, formal, poetic, sarcastic, inspiring, or deadpan (or, you know...pretty much anything).


And don't be afraid of a big or strong personality. Clear and bold choices resonate more than safe, vague ones. You don't need to go for shock value (you can, of course, if that's what you're into), but make a real choice and stick to it.


There really isn't a wrong answer. Think of a brand that completely disgusts and repels you. Yeah...they have a Brand Voice for sure! And you know what? It appeals to their people. So don't worry about making it right; make it right for your perfect audience.

Brand Voice Identity

VOX Session

Brand Voice Guidebook

VOX Session

  1. Vision

  2. Orientation

  3. Expression

Brand Voice is our niche and specialty. Work 1-on-1 with us in our most fun and valuable experience: a VOX Session.


What's it like? We'll spend a couple hours together:


  • Playing fun, disarming, and enlightening activities that help us all discover unique identity pieces about you.

  • Having deep conversations about your vision, mission, values, and what's most important to you.

  • Taking a tone + messaging audit of your current public face and voice.

  • Identifying and personifying your perfect audience.

  • Hammering out the beginnings of what will become your key message, elevator pitch, and signature story.


And after we're done having fun, we put together your custom Brand Voice Guidebook.

The Brand Voice Guidebook is the ultimate tool to help your brand share its unique personality with the world across all communication platforms.


The end product of our signature VOX Session (Vision, Orientation, Expression), this custom guidebook includes everything you and your team need to use your unique Brand Voice.​


This evergreen resource will be your guide to staying on brand for years to come!



  • Vision Statement

  • Tag Lines

  • Key Messaging Themes

  • Signature Story

  • 3 Elevator Pitches (:10, :30, & :60)

  • Do's & Don'ts

  • Tone Police

  • Perfect Audience Profiles

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Paige Vox is a creative studio based in Vermont — helping businesses, brands, and creators everywhere find and use their unique voice.





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